Daily Schedule


Daily Schedule:

September- June

8:00-9:45 Provocations: Free exploration in classroom (snack is offered during this time)
9:45-10:00 Community Meeting
10:00-10:45 Focused Learning/Enrichments
11:00-12:00 Outside/Gross Motor

12:00-12:45 Lunch, Bathroom & Tooth-brushing
1:00-3:00 Rest Time
3:15-3:30 Circle Time
3:30-3:45 Hand-washing & Snack
4:00-4:30 Table Activities, Clean up, Pick Up

July& August 8:00-3:30 PM


*Afternoon schedule is adjusted for outdoor time dependent on the weather.


All children nap in different stages. We are required to offer rest time, but your child does not have to sleep. If students are not sleeping after some quiet time, they are allowed to have quiet activities on their mats until rest time is over. We can not force students to sleep, and we can not force them to stay awake.

*You have the option to pick up your child up earlier in the day, however we do not offer half day rates*